I've seen better days, but I've also seen worst. I don't have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. I woke up with some aches and pain, but I woke up.
My life may not be perfect, but I am blessed.

Friday, 8 March 2013


Dear you,

Perhaps you or someone you know, might be going through a hard time, hurting from the lies they were fooled by, getting stressed out and pressured by society and expectations. Maybe right now, behind the smile, you’re actually bleeding but its too painful or shameful to want to talk about it with someone.

If no one’s said this to you before, I want to let you know that its okay to not be okay or wanting to be alone for a while sometimes; being emotional is not a weakness but the most beautiful sign of life in a person.

We’re all going to have our different paths and pains in life. We’ll feel hopeless and alone at times, many times, but whatever shit life throws at you, you've got to constantly find that courage to brave through it. And even when you hit the point where you're too weak to carry on by yourself, draw strength and hope again from the dearest ones around you.

Because you’re never really alone even though sometimes, you might feel that you are. The ones who truly love and care about you, will always find a way to let you know that they’re still there for you. And most times, its their little acts of concern in our most desperate and trying times, that mean the most.

If you've been through it, you know it, you've felt it. Well, you too could be that difference to someone else. If you care about someone, stand by them. If you love someone, show them in your own time and ways. If you know a person who’s hurting, encourage them on with hope. Because its all these little moments of concern and love that could make the biggest impact and difference. We’re never too insignificant and its never too early to let someone know you care, but it can always be too late.

Trudge on strong.

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